vineri, 7 ianuarie 2011

Un adevar

  In seara asta,am gasit ceva ce mi-a atras atentie,pentru ca intr-o oarecare masura spune ceva despre mine.Cu toate ca,cel mai probabil,fiecare dintre voi,fetelor,a simtit exact acelasi lucru la un moment dat..
       "She thinks about you non-stop and you're all she talks about.When she talks to you she always has that bright smile and truly looks happy.With one hug you make her melt and always leave her with butterflies and at the same time,when she's upset your usually the reason.But she refuses to see any flaws in you.And no matter how many people try to tell her different,she believes your perfect for her and worth every second of the wait,and she's too scared to tell you any of this because she doesn't want to mess anything up.And doesn't want to end up hurt,once more..."

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